Gay porn straight guys forced

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This explanation makes sense in light of the finding that attraction to masculinity is strongest among gay men who see themselves as masculine-many of whom also describe themselves as “straight-acting.” This suggests that some of these guys aren’t entirely comfortable with their own sexuality. Yet another possibility is that fantasizing about straight men may be a way that some gay men feel acceptance.

Sexual fantasies involving straight men can represent a sort of acceptance by the very people who have been their aggressors for much of their life.” As Rawlings told me, “many gay men have experienced great rejection from and have felt second class to straight men. These fantasies may give gay men the feeling that they are a part of their lives.” Kort echoed this sentiment: “Gay men are disenfranchised by straight men even today and kept outside their fraternity. When it comes to explaining the appeal of any kind of pornography, there’s usually never a simple answer. Our sexual interests are complex and different people may be attracted to the same things for very different reasons.

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